
Garment Worskshop is about sharing passion and knowledge. I wanted to build a brand with a model that allows people to witness every step of the garment making and be aware of how much it impacts on the final cost.

It’s all about transparency. Through the years I spent thousands of hours talking about the mechanisms behind fashion system to my audience. This is why I decided to just continue giving insights and let people see through doors that are usually closed, even while making my own product.

There is also something else: giving back.
I’m so proud when I think how much trust people gave me during my journey on social media. They related on me when considering an important purchase, when they wanted to discover new designers or when they wanted to know more about the story or the quality of the products and brands they love.
I want to respect their trust making them part or this project team. They will know the same as the people that are directly involved in the project. This is my idea of giving back.

My idea of product is something that can be physically, culturally and emotionally durable. Garment Workshop wants to embrace the idea of a contemporary wardrobe that is made to last in more than one sense.

- Federico